83. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrstagung (83rd Annual Conference of the DPG and DPG Spring Meeting)
in collaboration with the German Society for Mass Spectrometry 
Rostock, 10 - 15 March 2019
DPG Spring Meeting of the the Atomic, Molecular, Plasma Physics and Quantum Optics Section (SAMOP) with the following divisions and working groups:
- Atomic, Molecular, Plasma Physics and Quantum Optics Section (SAMOP)
- Atomic Physics
- Mass Spectrometry
- together with the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie (52nd annual conference of the DGMS)
- together with the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie (52nd annual conference of the DGMS)
- Molecular Physics
- Quantum Optics and Photonic
- Working Group on Energy
- Working Group on Industry and Business
- Working Group "Young DPG"
- Working Group on Information
- Working Group on Physics and Disarmament
The conference takes place at the :
Universität Rostock
Ulmencampus & Campus Südstadt
Hashtag: #DPGHRO19