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Prize Talks


Max-Planck-Medal 2019
Prof. Dr. Detlef Lohse, University of Twente, Enschede (Netherlands)
Tuesday, 12 March 2019, 15:00 - 15:30, Audimax
"Ultimate Rayleigh-Bénard and Taylor-Couette turbulence"


Hertha-Sponer-Prize 2019
PD Dr. Adriana Pálffy-Buß, MPI for Nuclear Physics Theory Division, Heidelberg (Germany)
Tuesday, 12 March 2019, 16:30 - 17:00, A-Esch 2
"X-rays go quantum"


Gentner-Kastler-Prize 2018
Dr. Luc Bergé, Commissariat a l Energie Atomique, Arpajon (France)
Tuesday, 12 March 2019, 17:00 - 17:30, A-Esch 2
"Laser filamentation and terahertz pulse generation"